This guide explains how to create items using your business wallet credentials with the HandCash SDK.


First, import the necessary module and initialize the HandCash Minter:

import { HandCashMinter } from '@handcash/handcash-connect';

const handCashMinter = HandCashMinter.fromAppCredentials({
  appId: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_ID,
  authToken: process.env.HANDCASH_AUTH_TOKEN,
  appSecret: process.env.HANDCASH_APP_SECRET

Creating Items

Use the createItemsOrder method to create new items:

async function createItems() {
  const collectionId = "657762fc2acbecc109d8c1fb";

  const creationOrder = await handCashMinter.createItemsOrder({
    items: [
        user: "612cba70e108780b4f6817ad",
        name: "Rafa",
        rarity: "Mythic",
        attributes: [
          { name: "Edition", value: "Test", displayType: "string" },
          { name: "Generation", value: "1", displayType: "string" },
          { name: "Country", value: "Spain", displayType: "string" }
        mediaDetails: {
          image: {
            url: "",
            contentType: "image/webp"
        color: "#bf9078",
        quantity: 3
      // Add more items as needed

  console.log(`Items order created, items are being created asynchronously`);
  return creationOrder;

// Execute the function


Here are the TypeScript types for creating items:

type CreateItemsOrderParams = {
  collectionId: string;
  items: CreateItemMetadata[];
  uid?: string;

type CreateItemMetadata = {
  name: string;
  user?: string;
  description?: string;
  rarity?: string;
  quantity: number;
  color?: string;
  attributes: ItemAttributeMetadata[];
  mediaDetails: MediaDetails;
  origin?: string;
  actions: Action[];
  groupingValue?: string;
  externalId?: string;

type Action = {
  name: string;
  description: string;
  url: string;
  enabled?: boolean;

export type File = {
	url: string;
	contentType: string;

export type MediaDetails = {
	image: File;
	multimedia?: File;

export type ItemAttributeMetadata = {
	name: string;
	value: any;
	displayType: 'string' | 'number' | 'date'

Important Notes

  • If user is not provided, items will be issued to the business’s wallet.
  • quantity specifies how many items to mint (100 items per order).
  • externalId is an optional ID that can be used later to look up a particular item.
  • uid is an optional string that you can use to look up the status of a particular order.
  • multimedia can be used to pass a .glb 3d file url, you will also need to pass a image.url for a thumbnail
  • You must use the proper displayType for filters in the handcash market to work properly

Item Actions

Item actions allow users to interact with your game from HandCash. Here’s an example of creating an item with an action:

const creationOrder = await handCashMinter.createItemsOrder({
  items: [
      user: "612cba70e108780b4f6817ad",
      name: "Mystery box",
      rarity: "Mythic",
      mediaDetails: {
        image: {
          url: "",
          contentType: "image/png"
      actions: [
          name: "Open",
          description: "Redeem this box for 10x random items.",
          url: ""
      quantity: 1,

Handling Item Actions

  1. When a user executes an action, they will be redirected to the URL specified in the action with query parameters: ?itemOrigin=<string>&authToken=<string>.
  2. Capture these parameters in your application.
  3. Use the authToken to leverage the HandCash Connect SDK for operations like transferring items, crafting and burning items, or transferring money.

An example use case will be illustrated in crafting items