Edit Payment Request

You can modify existing payment requests to update certain properties.

API Endpoint

  • Method: PUT
  • URL: https://cloud.handcash.io/v3/paymentRequests/{id}

Replace {id} with the ID of the payment request you want to edit.


Include your app credentials in the request headers:

App-Id: your-app-id
App-Secret: your-app-secret

Updatable Parameters

product.nameStringThe name of the product
product.descriptionStringThe description of the product
product.imageUrlStringURL of the product image
decreaseRemainingUnitsIntegerNumber of units to decrease from remainingUnits
redirectUrlStringURL to redirect users after successful payment
notifications.webhook.webhookUrlStringURL for receiving webhook notifications
notifications.webhook.customParametersObjectCustom parameters to include in webhook notifications
notifications.emailStringEmail address to receive payment notifications
expirationInSecondsIntegerNumber of seconds until the payment request expires

Example: Edit Product Name

curl --request PUT \
     --url https://cloud.handcash.io/v3/paymentRequests/66a2a051d2f2ae72b1f9dd89 \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'App-Id: your-app-id' \
     --header 'App-Secret: your-app-secret' \
     --data '{
       "product": {
         "name": "Updated Haste Hat"

Example: Decrease Total Supply

Note: This is only allowed with payment requests that have the limit expiration type.

curl --request PUT \
     --url https://cloud.handcash.io/v3/paymentRequests/66a2a051d2f2ae72b1f9dd89 \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'App-Id: your-app-id' \
     --header 'App-Secret: your-app-secret' \
     --data '{
       "decreaseRemainingUnits": 2

Important Notes for Editing

  • You can only decrease the remaining units for payment requests with the limit expiration type.
  • Ensure that you’re only updating the fields that you intend to change.
  • The id in the URL must match an existing payment request associated with your app.
  • Any fields not included in the request body will remain unchanged.

List All Payment Requests

Retrieve a list of existing payment requests for your authenticated app.

API Endpoint

  • Method: GET
  • URL: https://cloud.handcash.io/v3/paymentRequests


curl --request GET \
     --url https://cloud.handcash.io/v3/paymentRequests \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'app-id: your-app-id' \
     --header 'app-secret: your-app-secret'


The response will be a JSON object containing an array of payment request objects:

  "items": [
      "id": "9ac9182acae19902",
      "paymentRequestUrl": "https://pay.handcash.io/9ac9182acae19902",
      "paymentRequestQrCodeUrl": "https://pay.handcash.io/api/paymentPreview/qr/9ac9182acae19902",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "product": {
        "name": "Jump · Micro",
        "description": "Play a game to Jump in the Micro division.",
        "imageUrl": "https://haste-developer-portal-production-game-art.s3.amazonaws.com/Jump/gameicon.png"
      "receivers": [
          "sendAmount": 0.08,
          "currencyCode": "USD",
          "destination": "imaWinner"
          "sendAmount": 0.02,
          "currencyCode": "USD",
          "destination": "haste"
      "requestedUserData": ["paymail"],
      "customParameters": {
        "gameId": "9ac9182acae19902"
      "notifications": {
        "webhook": {
          "webhookUrl": "https://app.hastearcade.com/wehbooks/handcash",
          "customParameters": {
            "gameId": "9ac9182acae19902"
        "email": "payments@haste.com"
      "redirectUrl": "https://app.hastearcade.com/games/ec04e9ca-71b6-4fb2-abb0-b6a2da072fb9",
      "expirationType": "never",
      "expiresAt": 1650558683

Delete a Payment Request

Delete a payment request that is no longer valid to avoid potential customer confusion.

API Endpoint

  • Method: DELETE
  • URL: https://cloud.handcash.io/v3/paymentRequests/{id}

Replace {id} with the ID of the payment request you want to delete.


curl --request DELETE \
     --url https://cloud.handcash.io/v3/paymentRequests/9ac9182acae19902 \
     --header 'app-id: your-app-id' \
     --header 'app-secret: your-app-secret'


A successful deletion will return a 200 OK status code.

Best Practices

  1. Regularly review and clean up outdated payment requests.
  2. Use meaningful names and descriptions for your payment requests to easily identify them when listing.
  3. When editing a payment request, only include the fields you want to change to avoid unintended modifications.
  4. Always verify the id of the payment request you’re modifying or deleting to prevent accidental changes to the wrong request.