Spending limit

Spending Limit

HandCash users have a global limit for how much they're willing to spend on apps on a daily basis.

Daily spend limit in the HandCash app.

Daily spend limit in the HandCash app.

If an attempt is made to spend more than their limit allows, the SDK will throw an error with this message:

{ "message": "Request exceeds users global connect spend limit." }

You can control this error with a piece of color similar to this:

try {
  // omitted code...
  const paymentResult = await account.wallet.pay(paymentParameters);
} catch(error) {
  if (error.message === 'Request exceeds users global connect spend limit.') {
    // Show spend limit reached dialog

See the errors section to find out more details

Redirecting the user to HandCash to change the limits

In this case, you may redirect the user to their limit settings using the following URL:



keep the experience frictionless

Use of the redirectUrl query parameter to have the user redirected back to your app following their limit change to
e.g. redirectUrl=<https://my-app.com>

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