This process is very similar to creating a new user account, but simplified for existing users.

import { WalletService, Crypto } from '@handcash/sdk';

const walletService = new WalletService({
    appId: '<YOUR-APP-ID>',
    appSecret: '<YOUR-APP-SECRET>',

// Request email verification code
const email = '';
const requestId = await walletService.requestSignInEmailCode(email);

// Verify email code
const verificationCode = '01234567'; // Code entered by user
const keyPair = Crypto.generateAuthenticationKeyPair();
await walletService.verifyEmailCode(requestId, verificationCode, keyPair.publicKey);

// Activate access for existing user
await walletService.activateAccessKey(keyPair.publicKey, email);

// Store the authentication key securely
await storeAuthenticationKey(keyPair.privateKey);

// Get access to the wallet
const account = walletService.getWalletAccountFromAuthToken(keyPair.privateKey);

The main difference from creating a new user is that we use activateAccessKey() instead of createWalletAccount(), since the wallet already exists.