User listings


Permissions Required

This feature requires the ITEMS_WRITE permission.

 Get listed items for sale

The code below shows how to get the ordinals listed in the market from the connected HandCash wallet:

const { HandCashConnect } = require('@handcash/handcash-connect');
const handCashConnect = new HandCashConnect({ 
   appId: '<app-id>', 
   appSecret: '<secret>',

const account = handCashConnect.getAccountFromAuthToken(token);
const items = await account.items.getItemListings({ from: 0, to: 50 });

    "items": [
            "description": "",
            "collection": {
                "id": "6490ea8acf3da0ed972764c3",
                "description": "",
                "app": {
                    "id": "647a2e8e84940994f6aeb634",
                    "name": "CoOM Battles",
                    "iconUrl": ""
                "origin": "efce1385fde989252e931996f01811cf7ac52ab367f46b5e28c039ad7f5fa9fb_0",
                "name": "CoOM Battles · First Edition",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "totalQuantity": 0,
                "isFeatured": true,
                "isHandcashCreated": true,
                "isVerified": true
            "user": {
                "alias": "rjseibane",
                "displayName": "Rafa JS",
                "profilePictureUrl": ""
            "app": {
                "id": "647a2e8e84940994f6aeb634",
                "name": "CoOM Battles",
                "iconUrl": ""
            "origin": "5e4ea86a2116906941634733cedcab05ac33aeffa7dd8d63df415ec57663ac8d_1",
            "name": "Booboo",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "multimediaUrl": "",
            "multimediaType": "",
            "rarity": "Common",
            "color": "#a032ab",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "Edition",
                    "value": "First",
                    "displayType": "string"
                    "name": "Generation",
                    "value": 1,
                    "displayType": "number"
                    "name": "Champion Number",
                    "value": 12,
                    "displayType": "number"
                    "name": "Evolutions",
                    "value": "Booboo, Phanboo, Phantomb",
                    "displayType": "string"
                    "name": "Skin",
                    "value": "Classic",
                    "displayType": "string"
                    "name": "Element",
                    "value": "Dark",
                    "displayType": "string"
                    "name": "ManaCost",
                    "value": 1,
                    "displayType": "number"
                    "name": "Health",
                    "value": 2,
                    "displayType": "number"
                    "name": "Attack",
                    "value": 1,
                    "displayType": "number"
            "isHandcashCreated": true,
            "isVerified": true,
            "isListing": true,
            "itemListing": {
              "id": "64ad7a28cdf15ec6896c2084",
              "currencyCode": "BSV",
              "price": 0.001,
              "denominatedIn": "BSV",
							"fiatEquivalent": {
                "amount": 17.5486,
                "currencyCode": "USD"
              "paymentRequestUrl": "",
              "paymentRequestId": "64ad7a28cdf15ec6896c2087"

 Filtering user listings

The same filters can be used to fetch user listings as seen in fetch inventory

Filter items with the searchString "dragon" sorted by name (ascending)

const params: GetItemsParameters = {
  from: 0,
  to: 50,
  searchString: 'dragon',
  order: 'name',
  sort: 'asc',
const inventory = await cloudAccount.items.getItemListings(params);